There’s a tiny hummingbird flitting round the patio trellis, looking for the nectar from the red mandevilla cascading from its planter high on the trellis wall. The hummingbird can be considered symbolic of our Prairie summer: it is beautiful in the sun, as delicate as some of our summer flowers, and most of all, a fleeting presence. In addition to those beautiful brief summers, we must also contend with long, dark, and often stormy Prairie winters, and so we need to look at bringing our gardening activities indoors.
The late summer flowers – including echinacea, rudbeckia, and the oh-so-fragrant phlox – are in full bloom. It seems like just yesterday that the kaleidoscopic tumble of early summer flowers, featuring irises, peonies, and Asiatic lilies followed by daylilies, had just begun. When you walk out the door, the summer and early-fall heat wraps around you like a warm blanket. But remember: it never lasts too long. Get ready to curl up on the couch during winter storms with a different type of blanket – the newest edition of The Prairie Garden – and learn how you can garden indoors and out, all year-
Year-Round Gardening
Topic Author Pots and potting media: Make room for the roots! Lyle Cowell Everyone’s houseplant: The hassle-free pothos Lesa Guy “Plantify” your indoor space with hip houseplants Joe Gadbois & Bob Stadnyk Growing leafy greens hydroponically: A beginner’s guide Daniel Elias A complicated pleasure: Indoor bonsai Joe Grande Lighting the way for Indoor plants Stuart Innes African violets Bonnie Batchelor Starting vegetable seeds indoors Margo McCall Yes, you can have home grown lettuce all year Wendy MacLean Limited space: Gardening in a condo or apartment Jeannette Adams Discovering the unassuming Gasteria Lee Goodfellow Aloe vera: No kitchen should be without one Susanne Olver The Norfolk Island pine Diane Marchese Fungus gnats: Fungus-fancying flies John Gavloski Lavender: A favourite plant Indy Mitra A micro guide to growing microgreens Sheryl Normandeau My mysterious agave Marilyn Dudek Houseplants that are dangerous for dogs and cats Ingrid Sproll Essential tips for growing orchids at home Joe Gadbois Soil mould: Too much of a good thing Lesa Guy How to create a garden in a bottle Evelyn Lundeen Overwintering your succulents and succulent-like plants: Have you set yourself up for success or failure? Rita Campbell Starting native perennial seeds indoors Kelly Leask Know your bromeliad houseplant Meera Sinha The importance of proper headspace in containers and pots Don Kinzler Indoor gardening: A great learning experience for young people Joan Airey Keeping your holiday cactus out of the bin Lee Goodfellow Life grows at The Leaf Laura Cabak Night-blooming cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) Diana Dhaliwal Elevate your indoor garden design Margo McCall More on Prairie Gardening
Topic Author Miniature roses: From supermarket to sunny garden Barb Shields Some thoughts on butterflies Danny Blair The Rainbow Community Garden Brent Poole A brief guide to composting Evelyn Lundeen Creating your own Wrigley Field with a low hedge fund Ian Wise Northern pyramid defies the elements Peter Scharf Let your roots breathe Stuart Innes Berry production in high tunnels Anthony Mintenko The potential impact of climate change on the severity of aphid damage to gardens Ian Wise Too old to garden anymore? Malarkey! Joël Simpson Black raspberries Debbie Frances Stern Gardening for wild bees: Milkweeds Jason Gibbs Raising the garden to new heights Christine Hanlon Gardening with deer: A suburban gardener’s tale Meera Sinha Cultivating lactobacillus: The workhorse of microorganisms Richard Menec From weeds to tall-grass prairie in one year! Debbie Innes Growing plums on the Prairies Philip Ronald Notes from a tree-loving gardener Erna Buffie Know where they came from! Kristelle Falk Hugelkultur Norm Sylvestre Delphinium delight Sarah Piercy Netting for protection of cruciferous crops against insect pests Ian Wise The role of hemiparasites in prairie ecosystems and reconstructions Laura Reeves How to grow mouth-watering melons in northern climates Don Kinzler Facts about fireblight in Canada Ieuan Evans Getting the garden ready for winter: A checklist Lesa Guy The mouse hotel: A cautionary tale Susan Heidenreich
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