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2023: Climate-Aware Gardening

2023: Climate-Aware Gardening


Explore how climate change affects home gardening and find practical solutions to create resilient, sustainable gardens that support both nature and the planet.


    As gardeners, we care. We care for our bountiful vegetable gardens. We care for our beautiful perennial flower beds and the aromatic herbs that we grow. We care about the fruit bushes and trees in our realm, along with the birds and other creatures that share our garden space. That essential element of care in us also extends into caring for the Earth, which is particularly important in this time of climate change. So how can gardeners help care forthe planet?

    The first step is to be informed. We need to ask ourselves what exactly is climate change? How will this affect my gardening practices? As our guest editor for this year, we invited Dr. Danny Blair to join us. Dr. Blair is a co-director of the Prairie Climate Centre and is a professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Winnipeg, where his area of expertise is climatology. His research looks at climate change with a particular focus on the Prairie provinces. Dr. Blair and a number of his colleagues as well as several of our other authors provide information that will help you understand climate change, how it is affecting us now and how it will continue to affect our practices in home gardening in the future.


    Once we know what climate change is all about, step two is asking how we can help. There is much that home gardeners can do to adapt their gardening practices in the face of the changing climate. Read about the use of native and drought-resistant plants, water management, composting, and the importance of healthy soil. Discover how to reduce your carbon footprint by using less plastic, planting more trees and using mulch. And, as always, whether you are a newcomer or a veteran gardener, there are also articles of general interest to all who garden in our short-season planting zones.

    Happy reading!





    Topic Author
    Imagining the future prairie climate Dr. Danny Blair
    Growing a climate and pollinator-friendly garden Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson
    Creating healthy soils Vanessa Young
    Tomatoes in nursery pots Susanne Olver
    Prairie garden design: Restoring our landscapes one garden at a time Shannon Bahuaud
    Gardening in the drought-prone prairies - what is the worst-case scenario? David Sauchyn
    Gardening for wild bees: a discourse on conservation and climate Jason Gibbs
    Rainy ruminations on resilience Derek Yarnell
    Turn your yard into a climate change friendly oasis Carl Durand
    Urban agriculture - or how to (mostly) replace a lawn with food David Sauchyn/Mary Vetter
    The secret behind the smile of the sunflower Rita Campbell
    Manitoba 150 Pollinator Garden Karen Fontaine
    Which prairie trees will survive climate change? Rick Durand
    Compost as habitat for a microscopic world Fernand Saurette
    Exploring and creating microclimates in your garden Sheryl Normandeau
    Potential changes in insect fauna due to climate change John Gavloski
    Climate change and vegetable gardening Sarah Piercy
    Making your home and landscape more resilient through design Indy Mitra
    Dandelions and bees Evelyn Lundeen
    Healthy garden ecosystems Vanessa Young
    Book Review: The Prairie Gardener's Go-To for Soil Evelyn Lundeen
    In a changing climate, is the Hydrangea species a good choice for the home landscape? Colleen Zacharias
    Notes from a drought-stressed gardener Tiffany Grenkow
    Choosing perennials for a new reality Wendy MacLean
    The impact of climate change on our urban forests Philip Ronald
    Drought-tolerant perennials Sara Williams
    Beausejour Daylily Gardens: challenges and rewards Mary Veldman
    The outlook for plant diseases in a changing climate Andy Tekauz
    Adaptation by exotic lady beetle species to a changing climate Ian Wise
    Drought-tolerant trees and shrubs Sara Williams
    Sunflowers: Sublime symbols of summer Evelyn Lundeen
    How the seasons came to be: a Greek myth Evelyn Lundeen
    Choosing ecofriendly pots and planters Evelyn Lundeen
    Milk jug Lettuce Marilyn Dudek
    How sudden weather change can affect flea beetles Ian Wise
    Urban forests and climate change - A complex relationship Martha Barwinksy
    Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) United Nations: Salt affected soils Meera Sinha





    Topic Author
    Fuzzy fruits and other exotics in central Alberta Alfred Prins
    How to create a beautiful border Janet Epp
    Book review: The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook Brent Poole
    Cultivating connections with nature at The Leaf - Canada's Diversity Gardens Laura Cabak & Gerald Dieleman
    Good news: Bug phobia is not a thing anymore Linda Dietrick
    Preparing trees and shrubs for winter Toso Bozic
    Planting and caring for spring bulbs in northern gardens Evelyn Lundeen
    Ramblings of a Schlumbergera aficionado Lee Goodfellow
    Northern Empress Elm Sheldon Falk
    Underused perennial winners Joe Gadbois & Bob Stadnyk
    Woody natives for pollinators Linda Dietrick
    Postscript Andy Tekauz
    Flowering bulbs for northern spring gardens Evelyn Lundeen
    The gardener and his dog Susanne Olver
    Book review: Hardy Apples: Growing Apples in Cold Climates Doris Mae Oulton
    Peonies Sandra Venton
    Grow it, don't throw it! Rita Campbell
    Winter damage to evergreen trees Toso Bozic
    Growing giant vegetables Brent Poole
    Weeping like a willow Sheldon Falk
    Garden climbers Dorothy Dobbie
    Iris: Rainbows of the early summer garden Diana Dhaliwal
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