Whether you're new to gardening or an old hand, working with a large garden or confined to a tiny balcony, everyone has a smaller space where they want to grow plants. The 2022 edition of The Prairie Garden covers the all-important gardening question: what can I grow where? And how do I get the best out of the space I am working with? Learn about light and how it works to feed our plants, how to keep potting soil fresh and viable, about house plants, making small gardens look bigger and making gardens where you’d never believe possible.
Guest editor, Mr. Tomato, introduced Kozy-Coat water-teepees, Sea Magic seaweed concentrate and other products to the gardening world. He has received 10 top awards for home grounds landscaping and authored a best-selling booklet, “Secrets of Starting and Growing Seedlings Under Lights.” He also has designed gardening catalogues, been a guest speaker at many gardening club functions, guest-hosted a gardening radio program, and has been featured on CBC’s “Canadian Gardener”.TABLE OF CONTENTS
Topic Author Tricks for turning small garden spaces into BIG Mr. Tomato Dwarf coniferous shrubs ideal for the small garden Philip Ronald Focus on foliage: Eye-catching combinations for small space gardens Sheryl Normandeau Gardening in the sky Greg Klassen Prairie in a pot: The small space gardener can also enjoy wild flowers Kelly Leask Designing a small urban garden Shannon Gage Add seaweed to get the most from your plants Mr. Tomato Bonsai in the garden Stu Innes Size small, not too tall: Smaller-space hardy shrubs, roses and trees for the compact garden Rick Durand Perfect peppers in pots Tiffany Grenkow Growing under lights: How to build a simple three-tier light stand Mr. Tomato Vertical garden vines: Perennial and annual Sandra Venton Growing up! Making the most of a small garden space Janet Melrose Overwintering potted trees Ian Wise Window boxes can open your world to year-round delight Dorothy Dobbie Saving space: Dwarf trees, big apples Sara Williams Living the gardening dream in Nopiming Provincial Park Robin and Annette Cadzow Creating a microclimate in a zone 3 garden Diana Dhaliwal The challenge of growing a tayberry on the prairies Ian Wise Free fillers and spillers Linda Dietrick Small space gardeners need to understand how roots interact with healthy soil Dorothy Dobbie Sprouting seeds: Small children gardening in small spaces Janet Melrose Primer for a bird-watching novice Sherrie Versluis Mushrooms in small spaces Tom Nagy "Living fences" are a creative gardening opportunity Mark and Ben Cullen Pollinator plants for a smaller garden Linda Dietrick Balcony gardening: Create a haven in the sky Dorothy Dobbie Terrariums: Create your own world of wonder Rita Campbell Ideas for water features in the small garden or balcony Dorothy Dobbie Tips for growing veggies in containers Jerry Filipski Iris trivia GROWING INDOORS
Topic Author The surprising gem at the International Peace Garden Tim Chapman Miniature orchids Chris Bryan Surprising varieties of well-known exotic houseplants Dorothy Dobbie Solar power and plants: The miracle of light, colour, and pigments Meera Sinha Houseplants and sunlight Meera Sinha Success with cyclamen Susanne Olver Variegated foliage tropical houseplants Meera Sinha GENERAL
Topic Author Amaryllis, the queen of flowering bulbs Eva Patrician Super amaryllis Susanne Olver Can you believe it’s grown locally and served in a Churchill restaurant? Joan Airey At last, a miracle killer of creeping bellflower and thistle Mr. Tomato The Skinner horticultural legacy: Looking backward, going forward Hugh Skinner Confessions of a coleus addict: Growing coleus in the sun Igor Kaftan Avoidance: Is it an option for disease management in the home garden? Andy Tekauz A small cutting garden Shauna Dobbie Low light tolerant plants: Fruits and vegetables adapted to lower light conditions can be grown year-round on indoor windowsills in Canada M.P.M. Nair Grow your own greens right at home! Bev Rapinda The power of plants Susanne Olver How to control sucking pests of protected plants Ian Wise Stunning and sturdy, salvia provides impact and lasting garden beauty Sarah Piercy Pushing plant hardiness in zone 3 with vegetables Brent Poole Friend or foe: Wasps Susanne Olver Gardening for specialist bees: yellow loosestrife Jason Gibbs Growing giant pumpkins: A beginner’s guide Milan Lukes Indigenous gardeners could teach us a thing or two Wayne Douglas Weedon Beware the red menace of roses Ian Wise Roses for colder climes For the love of peat! Holly Spencer Canada’s Diversity Gardens at The Leaf Tropical plants and how to love them Marianne Willburn Plant your own Three Sisters garden Plant partners: Science-based companion planting strategies for the vegetable garden by Jessica Walliser reviewed by Brent Poole
Iris technica Manitoba Historical Society collaborates with The Prairie Garden to make important historical resource available online Dr. Gordon Goldsborough
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