The 2021 edition of The Prairie Garden focuses on flowering shrubs and the queen of flowering shrubs, roses. Always popular topics in the past, they are definitely worth revisiting!
The last time we focused on shrubs was in our 2009 edition, “Deciduous Shrubs” (still available in limited quantities). Since then, hundreds of exciting new flowering shrub cultivars have emerged, many of them well suited to prairie gardens. Our “Roses” edition of 2008 is now sold out, but readers keep asking us for information on that topic. And rightly so: since 2008, important new hardy roses such as the Canadian Artists and 49th Parallel series have come on the market. Plant developers in our region have played a major role in breeding, selecting, and trialling all kinds of hardy flowering shrubs for the prairie landscape, including roses. With Dr. Philip Ronald of Jeffries Nurseries as our guest editor, we take a fresh look at these useful and beautiful plants in our 2021 edition.
As always, The Prairie Garden aims to be a guide for gardeners of all skill levels in the short-season gardening zones of Canada and the US. You’ll find over thirty articles on the theme and another dozen or so on general gardening topics, all contributed by experienced gardeners and experts.
Guest editor Dr. Philip Ronald was raised in the Canadian prairies and educated in plant breeding and horticulture at the University of Manitoba and the University of Saskatchewan. He currently divides his time between teaching ornamental horticulture at the University of Manitoba, managing Riverbend Orchards, a 20-acre fruit farm, and providing support to the research and marketing programs at Jeffries Nurseries. He resides near Portage la Prairie with his wife Karen and their children.TABLE OF CONTENTS
Never-Ending Flowers – Shrubs that Break the Rules and How They Do It Philip Ronald Growing Hydrangeas on the Prairies Colleen Zacharias A Word about Cultivar Names and Trade Names Linda Dietrick Prairie-Bred Potentilla Shrubs are Making a Comeback Wilbert G. Ronald Inflorescences – The Ultimate Expression of Flowering Philip Ronald Flowers without Fruit – Sterility in Shrubs Philip Ronald Spring Magnificence: How to Grow Mockorange Sheryl Normandeau The New Ninebarks Wilbert G. Ronald Salix candida Iceberg Alley: A New Canadian Shrub Introduction Todd Boland Some Outstanding Graduates from the Jeffries Shrub Cultivar Trials Philip Ronald Finding New Plants for the Market Tim Wood Coppicing Shrubs Linda Dietrick Frank L. Skinner’s Shrub Introductions Hugh Skinner Drought-Tolerant Shrubs Sara Williams Japanese Barberry: Success Often Comes in Small Packages Philip Ronald An UnderratedTreasure: Our Native Highbush Cranberry Darlene Belton Nanking Cherries Tiffany Grenkow Magnolia Breeding for Northern Landscapes Todd P. West Landscaping Using Trees and Shrubs: Woody Plant Advantages William Dowie Consider Weeping Shrubs to Add Interest inYour Garden Melanie Mathieson The Sumac Garden Dietmar Straub and Anna Thurmayr The Snow-on-Leaf Event of 2019 William Dowie InvasiveTree-Killer: European Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) Elizabeth Sellors Controlling European Buckthorn Chris Penner SPECIAL FEATURE ON ROSES
Canadian Roses: An Update Barbara Shields Canadian Heritage Roses Bob Osborne Hardy Roses:The Essential Guide for High Latitudes and Altitudes by Bob Osborne reviewed by Sandy Venton Hardy Shrub Roses for Zone 2 John. G. N. Davidson It’s Never Too Late to Give Roses a Try: A Veggie Gardener’s Perspective Brent Poole Tall Roses for the Prairie Garden Fran Wershler 75 Years Ago: Hybrid Tea and Hybrid Perpetual Roses William Godfrey New Comprehensive Index Linda Dietrick 50 Years Ago: Hooty Hortus on Rose Pruning Glad Reycraft Putting Roses to Bed Lynn Collicutt “The Year the Roses Died”: Traditional Anishnaabe Teaching Mary Siisip Geniusz Roses in the International Cutflower Trade Linda Dietrick The Passion of Amateur Prairie Rose Breeders Rick Durand Rick Durand’s Agnes Victoria Rose Hardy Landscape Rose Breeding in the Northern Great Plains David Zlesak, Julie Overom, and Joe Bergeson A Tribute to David Austin O.B.E. Barbara Shields The David Austin Roses Sandy Venton Innovation, Beauty and Sustainability: A New Rose Garden for the 21st Century Alex Henderson A Rose by Any Other Name Rita Campbell Rosehip Syrup: A Wartime Vitamin Source Colin Briggs Rose Information on the Web Linda Dietrick GENERAL
Four-Season Interest for a Landscape in Zone 3 Sarah Piercy Gardening for Butterflies in the Prairies Richard Staniforth Eating Yourself into House and Home: Gall Insects IanWise Protecting the Poweshiek Skipperling Justis Henault and Richard Westwood Leafcutter Bees: A Source of Ambivalence Ian Wise Gardening for Specialist Bees: Goldenrods Jason Gibbs Bushels of Fruit from Bushes Ieuan R. Evans Chives until Thanksgiving Linda Dietrick Growing Gourmet Mushrooms in Your Summer Garden Tom Nagy Wheelbarrow or Wheelbarrel? Katherine Barber No-Till Vegetable Culture by Bryan O’Hara reviewed by Darlene Belton Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy reviewed by Michele Taylor Still Standing: The Manitoba Horticultural Association Hugh Skinner, Brent Hunter, and Linda Wall In Memoriam: Kathleen Margaret Richardson Susanne Olver
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