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2016: Fruit & Berries

2016: Fruit & Berries


Find out all the latest in fruit gardening in the prairies, and more, in this 176-paged book with 42 articles.



    Fruits and Berries


    Topic Authors
    Experimenting with Fruit Bob Bors
    Growing Saskatoons Philip Ronald
    Lingonberry: A Superfood for Canada's Climate Cara Isaak
    Haskap Ellen Sawchuk
    35 Years of Citrus Breeding in Canada M.P.M. Nair
    Delaying Tactic for Raspberries Bob Bors
    Growing Gooseberries Sheryl Normandeau
    A Pear for the Prairies - Meet the Ure Pear Craig Gillespie
    Have an Incredibly Edible Small Backyard! Jan Pederson
    All That Ails Dwarf Sour Cherries Forrest Scharf
    Quality Cold Hardy Grapes in Manitoba Jim Wachal
    John Wallace's Saskatoons John G. N. Davidson
    Superfood Seabuckthorn Betty Forbes
    Cherry x Plum Thean Pheh
    Wild Edible Fruit Bob Bors
    Poisonous Berries Bob Bors
    Norkent John G.N. Davidson
    Frank Skinner Fruit Breeding Hugh Skinner
    Bud Grafting with Parafilm Bob Bors
    From Dinner Table to Flower Pot Susanne Olver
    Fruit Rescuing and Sharing Across the Prairies Getty Stewart
    Prairie Fruit Recipes - Beyond Jams & Jellies Getty Stewart
    Fruit Spreads and Dessert Recipes Rita Campbell
    How to Win an Award You Never Knew Existed Loretta Bors





    Topic Authors
    Stratification Bob Bors
    Is the 2014 Canadian Plant Hardiness Zones Map Relevant to Prairie Horticulture? Rick Durand
    David Austin Roses - An Overview from a Canadian Prairie Perspective Craig Gillespie
    Of Football and Roses Colleen Zacharias
    The Hardy Group of Clematis Known as the Atragenes Jim Sullivan
    What Bees You May Find on Strawberry and Raspberry Plants David Ostermann
    Sugaring for Moths Terry D. Galloway
    Cool Season Native Grasses Shirley Froehlich
    Pollinators for Your Garden Fran Wershler
    The Monarch Butterfly... Long May She Reign Dawn Harris
    Trees That Can't Take Flooding Alan Weninger
    A Simplified Guide to Understanding and Managing Plant Diseases, A.K.A. 'Plant Pathology 101' Andy Tekauz
    The University of Saskatchewan Vegetable Program's Vegetable and Cultivar Trials Justin Schaeffer
    Antioxidants: Fact, Fiction, or Something in Between James Dawson
    Prairie Landscape Dyes Maureen Hammond and D'Arcy Mansell
    We Needed a Plant Propagation Facility Rick Sawatzky
    2015 Stevenson Commemorative Award Wilbert Ronald
    The Rosemakers (Book Review) John G.N. Davidson
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